Geographic Information

Description of Christ Church
Home to the incredibly popular seafront resorts of popular beaches as Long Beach, Silver Rock and Silver Sands, Christ Church is an absolute mecca for surfers and sun-seekers alike. A simple dreamy corner of the island that encapsulates the Barbadian way of life quite superbly, Christ Church is a wall-to-wall paradise of stunning beauty, endless amenities and frankly wonderful locals. Unsurprisingly therefore, the whole place tends to be booked sold for most of the year, with demand for short-term holiday lets remaining at a constant peak throughout the seasons. Barbados as a whole has a very strong property market with countless opportunities for investment, though buying in tends to be a rather expensive venture.

Current Property Prices in Christ Church

21 properties listed for sale in Christ Church

1 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£106,007 to £319,884
Average: £184,771

2 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£160,075 to £377,318
Average: £268,004

3 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£284,992 to £284,992
Average: £284,992

2 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£122,600 to £255,053
Average: £188,826

3 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£195,312 to £371,272
Average: £283,292

4 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£258,520 to £727,955
Average: £464,469

5 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£843,149 to £843,149
Average: £843,149

6 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£1,007,071 to £1,007,071
Average: £1,007,071


1 listed for sale
£128,422 to £128,422
Average: £128,422

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Images of Christ Church, Barbados

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