Geographic Information

Description of Sal
The island of Sal somewhat recently established itself as something of a pack-leader in terms of Cape Verde's most desirable tourism hotspots, resulting in the appearance of endless new beachfront developments that are generally aimed at jet-setters. An extremely prestigious location where buying in is unsurprisingly a rather expensive endeavour, the year-round tourism trade of Cape Verde keeps demand for premium properties peaked for throughout the seasons. Skyrocketing property values haven't quite been kept up with in terms of rent yields, but this is of course augmented by the consistency of year-round demand. And of course, reliable yields in the region of 8 per cent are not to be sniffed at.

Current Property Prices in Sal

225 properties listed for sale in Sal

1 bed apartments:

51 listed for sale
£22,448 to £150,000
Average: £60,507

2 bed apartments:

91 listed for sale
£30,873 to £170,610
Average: £81,782

3 bed apartments:

10 listed for sale
£80,770 to £413,057
Average: £149,740

4 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£85,668 to £85,668
Average: £85,668

2 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£95,994 to £95,994
Average: £95,994

3 bed houses:

10 listed for sale
£161,619 to £286,605
Average: £216,362

4 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£209,300 to £322,665
Average: £265,982

5 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£825,075 to £825,075
Average: £825,075

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Images of Sal, Cape Verde

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