Geographic Information

Description of Limassol
With such an incredible contrast of landscapes and living styles, the Limassol Region of Cyprus delivers something of an all-round cross-section of the country as a whole. Parched deserts give way to lush greenery, quaint villages nestle behind gigantic seaports, and tiny fishing harbours perch in close proximity to throbbing tourist meccas. For both holiday lets and relocations alike, the Limassol Region really is every bit of Cyprus in a nutshell. Despite strong demand for short-term rental properties on a year-round basis, actual property values across Cyprus have been plummeting. Limassol’s property values saw an average loss of 10 per cent in 2013, but sales surged 42 per cent in the second half of 2014, thanks to international and domestic interest alike.

Current Property Prices in Limassol

50 properties listed for sale in Limassol

2 bed apartments:

6 listed for sale
£116,734 to £1,418,761
Average: £493,124

3 bed apartments:

5 listed for sale
£148,162 to £314,283
Average: £209,222

4 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£507,342 to £507,342
Average: £507,342

2 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£133,795 to £152,652
Average: £143,223

3 bed houses:

14 listed for sale
£139,182 to £673,463
Average: £283,111

4 bed houses:

6 listed for sale
£282,854 to £2,370,591
Average: £892,861

5 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£287,344 to £1,346,925
Average: £918,902

6 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£1,122,438 to £1,122,438
Average: £1,122,438

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Images of Limassol, Cyprus

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