Geographic Information

Description of Red Sea
Back in 2008, the average buy-to-let property in the Red Sea region of Egypt was pulling in an average of 12 per cent per year by way of rent yields. Unsurprisingly, the boom couldn't last forever and by the year 2012, things had already taken a dive closer to the 9 per cent mark. But what's been interesting is how regardless of various less-than ideal social and economic factors, property prices have weathered all pressures to remain on the up and rent yields have seldom fallen below the 8 per cent mark. Of course, the sheer volume of properties across the region means choosing at random rarely pays off, but a savvy move at the ideal time in a key Red Sea resort has the potential to be a real winner.

Current Property Prices in Red Sea

4 properties listed for sale in Red Sea

3 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£61,620 to £66,360
Average: £63,990

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