Geographic Information

Description of Calabria
One of the few remaining secrets in Italy not yet invaded by mass tourism, Calabria has a unique charm, atmosphere and appeal. As a comparatively poor Italian region, the economic crisis didn’t really have much of an impact on Calabria and property prices aren’t prone to wild swings in either direction. Despite extraordinary natural beauty and what could be considered a taste of the ‘Real Italy’ now devoid elsewhere, demand for both short and long-term lets in Calabria remains minimal. Little to no English is spoken, which in turn limits investment potential for business purposes. The charm and beauty of Calabria, though, is undeniable.

Current Property Prices in Calabria

15 properties listed for sale in Calabria

1 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£14,176 to £70,290
Average: £42,233

2 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£38,659 to £56,232
Average: £46,897

3 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£8,511 to £319,939
Average: £164,225

2 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£31,630 to £131,745
Average: £77,124

3 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£193,919 to £219,557
Average: £206,738

4 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£504,208 to £504,208
Average: £504,208

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Images of Calabria, Italy

Popular Destinations in Calabria

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