Geographic Information

Description of Lazio
While Lazio is undoubtedly most famous for being home to the Italian capital, there’s another side to the region that’s about as far removed from the bustling streets of Rome as it gets. Bridging the gap between Italy’s north and south, Lazio’s landscape ranges from lush countryside to rugged hills and right through to the world’s most cosmopolitan city boulevards. Despite year-round demand from a millions-strong tourist contingency however, property prices and general investment opportunities across Lazio can be mixed. With low prices, though, the prospect of long-term capital growth only adds to Lazio's established international appeal.

Current Property Prices in Lazio

90 properties listed for sale in Lazio

1 bed apartments:

8 listed for sale
£59,265 to £315,137
Average: £240,267

2 bed apartments:

9 listed for sale
£106,856 to £583,668
Average: £345,116

3 bed apartments:

15 listed for sale
£60,401 to £1,050,456
Average: £376,880

4 bed apartments:

10 listed for sale
£65,654 to £3,681,595
Average: £852,922

2 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£42,894 to £42,894
Average: £42,894

3 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£139,182 to £709,381
Average: £355,802

4 bed houses:

7 listed for sale
£109,423 to £2,918,338
Average: £716,315

5 bed houses:

5 listed for sale
£524,353 to £1,616,310
Average: £755,174

6 bed houses:

6 listed for sale
£89,271 to £1,688,146
Average: £759,797

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Images of Lazio, Italy

Popular Destinations in Lazio

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