Geographic Information

Description of Le Marche
Marche may not get the same kind of press coverage as neighbouring Tuscany, but exactly why is a mystery to anyone familiar with the region. An unspoilt haven of natural beauty where stunning greenery eventually gives way to breathtaking coastline, it’s almost as if Marche is a secret its loyal community would rather not see made public. In terms of property investment, the tourist community heading the way of Marche every year is much more selective in nature and small in size than that which heads to Rome, Venice, Naples and other such hotspots. However, investment opportunities are abundant to say the least with properties ranging from simple tumbledown rooms to sprawling palaces fit for any royal family.

Current Property Prices in Le Marche

28 properties listed for sale in Le Marche

1 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£19,755 to £91,915
Average: £55,835

2 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£68,244 to £68,244
Average: £68,244

4 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£165,447 to £262,614
Average: £209,507

3 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£77,281 to £452,611
Average: £264,946

4 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£147,064 to £147,064
Average: £147,064

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Images of Le Marche, Italy

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