Geographic Information

Description of Molise
Abruzzo's southern neighbour, the tiny region of Molise is a wonderfully sleepy and secluded corner of Italy that's generally a million miles from the well-trodden tourist trail. What's most appealing about Molise to those looking to buy in is how a modest five-figure sum has the potential to stretch to an extremely presentable and livable detached home. The reason being, of course, that demand isn't nearly as high as in other key regions of Italy, which makes Molise a wonderful prospect for property buyers but not necessarily a hotbed of rental activity.

Current Property Prices in Molise

29 properties listed for sale in Molise

3 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£25,386 to £25,386
Average: £25,386

4 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£49,021 to £96,292
Average: £72,656

3 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£42,894 to £42,894
Average: £42,894

4 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£33,264 to £33,264
Average: £33,264

5 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£26,261 to £30,638
Average: £27,720

6 bed houses:

4 listed for sale
£10,505 to £48,146
Average: £29,325

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Images of Molise, Italy

Popular Destinations in Molise

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