Geographic Information

Description of Sicily
Sicily is the kind of place that takes all that’s magical about Italy and somehow transforms it into something even more special. Despite being the Mediterranean’s largest island, Sicily still feels incredible compact, traditional and authentic. From the headiest purpose-built tourist hotspots to the quintessential villages that haven’t changed in generations, visitors are provided with a unique snapshot of Italian life at its absolute finest. In terms of investment opportunities, the draw of the Mediterranean sun keeps holidaymakers coming in for much of the year – the summer in particular sees local populations swell to bursting point. Long-term rental yields and resale opportunities are modest, but generally speaking there’s such heavy demand for short-term rentals across Sicily that barely a room ever goes unoccupied.

Current Property Prices in Sicily

424 properties listed for sale in Sicily

1 bed apartments:

7 listed for sale
£7,854 to £65,970
Average: £42,370

2 bed apartments:

26 listed for sale
£21,502 to £210,091
Average: £88,805

3 bed apartments:

33 listed for sale
£6,128 to £306,085
Average: £119,418

4 bed apartments:

11 listed for sale
£48,146 to £236,353
Average: £125,736

2 bed houses:

84 listed for sale
£7,036 to £728,072
Average: £56,183

3 bed houses:

86 listed for sale
£8,754 to £1,219,099
Average: £101,518

4 bed houses:

20 listed for sale
£13,131 to £1,247,680
Average: £258,436

5 bed houses:

13 listed for sale
£6,128 to £2,626,140
Average: £311,582

6 bed houses:

10 listed for sale
£15,757 to £577,751
Average: £274,694

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Images of Sicily, Italy

Popular Destinations in Sicily

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