Geographic Information

Description of Umbria
While Rome is the place for romantics and Sardinia for lovers of sun, sea and sand, Umbria is a unique treasure for wine lovers. This comparatively tiny region is home to some of Italy’s most exquisite countryside and features an array of vineyards, olive groves and other agricultural facilities. In fact, Umbria recently found its way into the property investment listings as one of the world's most appealing investment prospects for overseas buyers looking to buy in. It may not have been impervious to the global financial crisis but the area came out with far fewer bruises than most of the country. Extremely high property prices are largely augmented by equally high rent averages, keeping average yields in the region of 4 per cent to 5 per cent. Property tends to be scarce in the most in-demand regions, where buy-to-sell investment can be highly lucrative.

Current Property Prices in Umbria

202 properties listed for sale in Umbria

1 bed apartments:

16 listed for sale
£12,571 to £103,264
Average: £43,627

2 bed apartments:

19 listed for sale
£20,653 to £147,616
Average: £69,400

3 bed apartments:

11 listed for sale
£42,548 to £169,324
Average: £106,470

2 bed houses:

44 listed for sale
£24,313 to £429,823
Average: £82,837

3 bed houses:

25 listed for sale
£17,061 to £583,668
Average: £152,621

4 bed houses:

14 listed for sale
£44,000 to £1,526,515
Average: £328,505

5 bed houses:

12 listed for sale
£34,733 to £534,280
Average: £213,402

6 bed houses:

6 listed for sale
£138,933 to £1,128,829
Average: £577,731

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Images of Umbria, Italy

Popular Destinations in Umbria

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