Geographic Information

Description of Azores
The nine islands of the Azores are blessed not only with sublime year-round weather, but also a comparatively small population and a uniquely relaxed, laid back way of life. Time seems to grind to a complete standstill in and around the Azores – there’s plenty to do but it’s often much more fun to do nothing at all. Highly popular for short trips with tourists over the summer months, the Azores have become renowned as a fantastic place for a second home or permanent relocation in search of a simpler existence. On the whole, Azores properties generally appeal more to those in search of second homes, holiday homes or properties to sell on. The short and long-term rental markets are comparatively limited, though the economic picture across Portugal as a whole is steadily improving.

Current Property Prices in Azores

3 properties listed for sale in Azores

3 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£175,533 to £175,533
Average: £175,533

4 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£1,793,206 to £1,793,206
Average: £1,793,206

6 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£1,611,820 to £1,611,820
Average: £1,611,820

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Images of Azores, Portugal

Popular Destinations in Azores

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