Geographic Information

Description of Province of Balearic Islands
Mallorca. Ibiza. Menorca. Formentera. The names alone conjure up images of dream places in the sun: Mallorca speaks of spectacular mountain scenery; Ibiza is the party capital of the world; Menorca whispers of stunning beaches and coves; Formentera promises a peaceful retreat. Together, they make the Balearic Islands, one of the most popular hotspots for international investors and tourists alike.

Current Property Prices in Province of Balearic Islands

6 properties listed for sale in Province of Balearic Islands

1 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£83,738 to £83,738
Average: £83,738

2 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£129,413 to £133,219
Average: £131,316

3 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£125,606 to £167,475
Average: £146,540

4 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£114,188 to £494,813
Average: £301,963

3 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£121,800 to £897,052
Average: £515,973

4 bed houses:

4 listed for sale
£606,116 to £2,873,440
Average: £1,256,007

5 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£10,775,400 to £10,775,400
Average: £10,775,400

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Images of Province of Balearic Islands, Spain

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