Geographic Information

Description of Chon Buri
Chonburi Province has recently stepped out of the shadows of many of the Thai islands and into the spotlight as an incredible destination in its own right. Less crowded than most of the islands, more affordable than Bangkok and promising that real taste of Thailand that's already escaped so many regions, both investors and travellers alike are setting their sights on this highly desirable province. Specific rent yields and opportunities for rewarding investments vary enormously – turning a profit with a lower-end residential property is tricky, while higher-end tourist lets are in high demand for much of the year. Low property prices also help keep rent yields generally amiable.

Current Property Prices in Chon Buri

126 properties listed for sale in Chon Buri

1 bed apartments:

58 listed for sale
£18,711 to £357,327
Average: £67,032

2 bed apartments:

12 listed for sale
£64,037 to £193,762
Average: £129,331

3 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£300,893 to £300,893
Average: £300,893

2 bed houses:

4 listed for sale
£90,491 to £274,677
Average: £150,262

3 bed houses:

5 listed for sale
£67,819 to £321,645
Average: £156,882

4 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£457,500 to £495,010
Average: £476,255

5 bed houses:

4 listed for sale
£147,194 to £687,254
Average: £403,279

6 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£690,000 to £690,000
Average: £690,000

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Images of Chon Buri, Thailand

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