Geographic Information

Description of Esenyurt
A popular district within the province of Istanbul, Esenyurt is located on the European side of the city. Many migrants from the country’s Eastern provinces have purchased local property, but the fast-growing area, which enables investors to buy within Istanbul without the cost of the central market, is emerging as an international hotspot - a future prospect boosted by the presence of five nearby universities.

Current Property Prices in Esenyurt

6 properties listed for sale in Esenyurt

1 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£47,844 to £139,182
Average: £79,525

2 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£33,140 to £33,140
Average: £33,140

3 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£41,787 to £66,280
Average: £54,033

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Images of Esenyurt, Turkey

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