Geographic Information

Description of South Yorkshire
After hitting a 2012 peak during which Yorkshire and Humberside delivered some of the best rental yields in Britain, things have slowed slightly in the interim years. However, while the historic towns and cities of South Yorkshire may no longer top the table in terms of property values, tourist interest or industrial prowess, the property market as a whole remains healthy. With comparatively low property prices and extreme demand for affordable housing, rent yields can still top those of the capital. A region rich with students, graduates and young professionals, South Yorkshire is very much the quintessential renter’s market of the 21st century. Nevertheless, with property values that often swing way below the national average, it’s a region with enormous appeal for first-time buyers.

Current Property Prices in South Yorkshire

4 properties listed for sale in South Yorkshire

1 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£60,000 to £62,500
Average: £61,250


2 listed for sale
£60,000 to £62,500
Average: £61,250

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