Geographic Information

Description of New York City
The most populated city in America, New York is one of the most famous in the world. Tourists flock to Manhattan all year round to see its iconic landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty and Empire State Building, while the town's luxury condos and glamorous apartments are some of the most desirable property investments in the world.

Current Property Prices in New York City

32 properties listed for sale in New York City

1 bed apartments:

7 listed for sale
£873,160 to £3,416,713
Average: £1,558,470

2 bed apartments:

14 listed for sale
£1,072,958 to £14,274,267
Average: £3,373,047

3 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£13,894,633 to £13,894,633
Average: £13,894,633

4 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£5,466,741 to £5,466,741
Average: £5,466,741

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Images of New York City, USA

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