Solutions for Web Affiliates

Add functionality and earn revenue with minimal effort

If you have a website and are looking to add additional revenue streams, working with could be the answer! Listed below are just a few of the most popular money-making options open to affiliate partners - contact us to find out more…


XML Feed Partners

For sites that already have a high level of traffic interested in international real estate investments, an XML feed can be used to add more listings of investments and property for sale, with premium rates paid for valid leads.

Featured Listings

Showcase popular international investments in a highly customisable ad format that is designed to be added to any standard format advertising placements on your site - great for publishers, bloggers and other sites.

Email List Owners

Monetize your email database with a regular newsletter that takes the best listings from our busy daily schedule and promotes them to your audience - deliver great content to your subscribers and earn valuable revenue.
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