Geographic Information

Description of Australia
Australia likes to describe itself as a ‘land of plenty’ and this is certainly no boast. Coral reefs, endless beaches, lofty mountains and burning deserts with fascinating natural rock formations contrast with bustling towns and cosmopolitan cities. Frequently ranked as one of the countries with the highest quality of life in the world, it is a dream destination for expats. Indeed, Australia ranks just below Spain and France as one of the main targets for British buyers looking to retire in the sun. The superb climate encourages an outdoor lifestyle; the cuisine is superb and varied, and the local wines are rightly celebrated all over the world. Investors interested in what is a well developed rental market will also note Australia’s stable economy and its growing property prices, partly driven by demand from overseas.

Current Property Prices in Australia

79 properties listed for sale in Australia

2 bed houses:

8 listed for sale
£62,289 to £566,259
Average: £234,926

3 bed houses:

17 listed for sale
£124,577 to £6,228,851
Average: £662,123

4 bed houses:

6 listed for sale
£251,985 to £566,259
Average: £412,897

5 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£248,588 to £248,588
Average: £248,588

How to Buy Overseas Property Safely

Italy's Flag

Key Facts:

Currency: AUD
Time Zone: various (UTC+8 to +10.5)
DialCode: +61
Languages: None{{refn
Capital: Canberra
Population: 21,507,717
GDP: $1.252 trillion

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