Geographic Information

Description of Saint Philip
The Barbadian way of life is hardly fast-paced, but somehow things seem to slow to an even more incredibly relaxing crawl in and around Saint Philip. Treated to the cool trade winds that blow in from the south east and with a decidedly more sophisticated overall ambience than many of the island's other primary tourist haunts, the property market in Saint Philip is known for being a beacon of stability and a hotbed of solid opportunity. Buying into any area of Barbados is never going to be cheap, but with generally high rents and superb demand throughout the year, it's a move that can be rewarding.

Current Property Prices in Saint Philip

7 properties listed for sale in Saint Philip

3 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£159,413 to £487,442
Average: £323,427

4 bed houses:

2 listed for sale
£1,057,285 to £1,219,012
Average: £1,138,148

6 bed houses:

1 listed for sale
£2,431,852 to £2,431,852
Average: £2,431,852

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