Geographic Information

Description of Nicosia
Home to the capital of Cyprus, the Nicosia region is divided between the Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus but remains popular with overseas investors due to its subtropical climate and economic importance. It is a veritable treasure chest of cosmopolitan urban centres, historic old towns and that all-too-often-absent sense of what Cyprus was like before the tourists took over. In fact, a walk through the narrow dwelling-lined streets of the old towns during hours of darkness can feel unsettlingly like a trip back in time to a borderline eerie era. Of course, all of the above adds up to nothing less than extraordinary appeal in the eyes of international tourists, who flock to the region for the culture and stay put for the heady nightlife. Cyprus suffered one of the worst crashes in average property values following the 2008 recession, but that is thought by most to be at the foot of a period of recovery, as sales and prices both rebound.

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