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On the day

A dream start to homeownership

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You've decided that now is the time. The seven-year itch has taken hold and you feel that finally buying a home would bring the sparkle back into your life. You log on to TheMoveChannel. You don't need to do any research; you already know what you want. And you are going to get it.

The first web site you find has three properties you like the look of - in the right place at the right price. They are all still on the market. You make an appointment to see all three. No problem, how will tomorrow suit you? Fine you answer; a date has been set.

Money is not a problem. You know your price range and you are certain to get a mortgage. You go and look at the first house and your jaw smacks loudly as it hits your feet. Perfect. In a condition that will require you to do absolutely nothing, this house really is a dream. Knowing deep inside that you are not being rash, you throw caution to the wind and make an offer on the spot. The agent calls the vendor. Sale agreed.

You rush home in an excited frenzy, already thinking of your new life. Like a shot you're on the web again, arranging your solicitor and all your other affairs. It's on - the full survey showed absolutely nothing untoward apart from the price - it's slightly undervalued.

Leaving nothing to chance, you are an incredibly thorough person and manage to keep well abreast of all the necessary preparations. You had heard stories about solicitors but were finding that yours was nothing short of fantastic. Efficient, available - the whole process is flying along faster than you ever imagined it could.

Four weeks and you start the clearout, two weeks to go and you're starting to pack away the odd thing, then before you know it the removals men are ringing on your door. You lift not a finger and yet your possessions find their way magically to your new home. Not a single thing broken or missing with everything in its rightful place.

Move Day comes and goes in an instant. It's done, over with. A hundred thousand pitfalls and potholes along the way and you've sailed past all of them like they weren't even there. It's good to be dreaming.

Does it ever happen like this in the real world?

This section of the site is going to be dedicated to your stories of moves that went really smoothly. It sounds really boring and probably will be, but we just wanted to give a bit of hope to all those people who are put off the whole 'move house thing' by the daunting list of decisions, activities and considerations involved.

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