Geographic Information

Description of Puglia
Puglia is famed for being not only the ‘heel’ of Italy’s boot, but also the region blessed with the country’s most enviable year-round climate. There’s barely a day of the year when the sun doesn’t beam down on Puglia, making it an obvious and wholly irresistible choice for domestic and international sun-seekers alike. And with a series of low-cost airlines now serving Puglia on a daily basis, opportunities for holiday-let investments are always on the cards. Of course, the general economic picture across Italy hasn't been particularly reassuring in recent years, but coastal havens like Puglia are to some extent in a league of their own. Year-round demand keeps property values high and while rental yields aren’t always spectacular, they are at least consistent.

Current Property Prices in Puglia

150 properties listed for sale in Puglia

2 bed apartments:

3 listed for sale
£24,511 to £69,155
Average: £50,188

3 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£44,644 to £131,307
Average: £87,975

4 bed apartments:

7 listed for sale
£61,277 to £144,438
Average: £109,047

2 bed houses:

8 listed for sale
£39,392 to £332,644
Average: £105,811

3 bed houses:

13 listed for sale
£61,277 to £1,302,495
Average: £236,519

4 bed houses:

21 listed for sale
£69,155 to £1,080,495
Average: £327,328

5 bed houses:

15 listed for sale
£56,900 to £612,766
Average: £275,721

6 bed houses:

14 listed for sale
£86,663 to £520,851
Average: £230,287

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Images of Puglia, Italy

Popular Destinations in Puglia

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