Geographic Information

Description of Viana Do Castelo
One of the most beautiful regions to grace the northern coast of Portugal, demand for quality properties in and around Viana Do Castelo remains high for much of the year. With suburban properties generating rent yields in the region of 5.5 per cent and those in the centre coming in more around the 5 per cent mark, there's good opportunity for buy-to-let investors looking to make the most of Portugal's comparatively strong economy and housing market. Across the region, and across Portugal in general, property prices are on the steady incline which means that capital growth will only benefit longer term investors and lifestyle buyers. Moderate taxes and buying costs are comparable with those of mainland Spain, though property resale opportunities are considered to be generally superior.

Current Property Prices in Viana Do Castelo

16 properties listed for sale in Viana Do Castelo

3 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£402,675 to £678,420
Average: £500,425

4 bed houses:

6 listed for sale
£560,243 to £1,094,225
Average: £749,851

5 bed houses:

4 listed for sale
£525,228 to £2,319,757
Average: £1,256,170

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Images of Viana Do Castelo, Portugal

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