Geographic Information

Description of Essex
How do property investment prospects in Essex compare with those of other UK counties? In most respects, the Essex region hovers somewhere around the middle as while landlords generally have access to much greater rent yields than those in London, Essex remains a far cry from Southampton or Birmingham. Still, as a buyer’s market with a quite eclectic inventory of options – from low-budget flats to six-figure luxury homes – Essex has something to offer permanent-move home buyers at all levels. Unsurprisingly, demand for coastal properties both to rent and buy is sky high and the proximity of Essex to London often ups the appeal of the region for young professionals and commuters.

Current Property Prices in Essex

1 properties listed for sale in Essex

1 bed apartments:

1 listed for sale
£199,995 to £199,995
Average: £199,995

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Images of Essex, United Kingdom

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