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Property Directory - Services

You have returned 6 results for loans in france.

loans Websites

Barclays France

One of the world’s largest banks, helping international clients in France for over 80 years. They offer a wide range of products and services and many account managers in their main branches speak English, with credit cards, bank accounts and currency dealings all provided.

French Mortgage Advice Ltd

A team of professionals offering a fully-inclusive end-to-end service ranging from introductions, advice, assistance, mortgage negotiations and insurance to clear explanations of the intricacies of the French legal and tax systems. This fantastic site is crammed full of content, with the ability to obtain quotes just a mouse click away.

French Mortgage.com

UK based company offering 100% mortgages, interest only loans and excellent leaseback finance at some of the lowest rates on the French market. The service consists of a number of steps which will save you time in searching for the best way of financing your purchase, in return for a small charge that you will only pay if they actually succeed in arranging your loan.


Useful website offering quotes for mortgages in France. Because there are some very fundamental differences in buying property in this country compared to other areas, they have also put together a complete guide to the process, from the first steps through most of the issues that will crop up during the transaction and even afterwards - such as property taxes inheritance tax and wealth tax.

Crédit Foncier

Cool website, available in English, French and Italian, from a specialised bank providing a comprehensive range of financing solutions, including mortgages and loans. The 10 step guide to buying a property in France is a must read, with a range of calculators and a useful glossary also provided.


Important website for information on Provence, the French Riviera and the Côte d'Azur designed precisely for your needs, whether taking a holiday or making a new life in France. You will find links to holiday accommodation and also the contact details for Architects, Insurance, Removals, DIY Retailers, Builders, Financiers and Notaires.

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