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Property Directory - Services

You have returned 4 results for pensions in france.

pensions Websites

Barclays France

One of the world’s largest banks, helping international clients in France for over 80 years. They offer a wide range of products and services and many account managers in their main branches speak English, with credit cards, bank accounts and currency dealings all provided.


Financial planning advice for those people making a permanent move to France, including, income and inheritance tax planning, investment advice and asset management and pension planning and restructuring. With offices in France and the UK, they can plan personal finances and strategies to suit your present and future needs, making the most of any potential tax advantages and avoiding the numerous pitfalls.

Blevins Franks International

Established organisation, which has been providing general financial, tax and investment planning advice to expatriates living in France since 1975. With offices located in the areas of the Cote D'Azur, Dordogne, Provence and South West France the firm is well placed to provide this expertise.

Parasol Network

Company established 3 years ago to offer a variety of services including access to foreign exchange and European mortgage products, health and property insurance, introductions to lawyers and accountants, assistance with the opening of local bank accounts and generally assisting with any problems when re-locating abroad. With offices in France, Spain, Portugal, and the UK, click on the links for further details of what they offer.

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