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Property Directory - Services

You have returned 4 results for relocation in france.

relocation Websites

Team Relocations

Very impressive site from a relocation and removal company with many offices throughout Europe. They offer to take care of everything, such as insurance, packaging, custom forms, and checklists and include a clever online tracking system, so you can follow your possessions en route. The site contains many pages of useful content, including country profiles, tips, guides and much moving advice.

Relocate France

Company promoting half-day seminars that help you prepare and plan ahead, with practical, expert advice on everything from negotiating the French property-buying process to integrating with your local community. And, because nothing beats real-life experience, people who have already successfully moved to France will be there to tell you what living in the country is really like.


If you are looking to buy or rent a house in the west of France, and have maybe spotted something on the web, but are busy, or cannot travel easily this company may be the solution. They will carry out a visit audit of the property on your behalf, and send it you by email, plus they can organise accompanied visits, and assist you during acquisition. Details of these services in full, with some useful links, and contact details are on hand.

Tarn Property Services

English company that has been involved in the purchase, renovation and management of properties in the Tarn for the past 15 years. They will help to find your dream property in the region, manage any building projects, assist with negotiation and interpretation and try to give you a helping hand when settling into the area.

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