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You have returned 9 results for surveyors in france.

surveyors Websites


If you are looking for building surveyors in France who are professionally trained and RICS qualified and have a wealth of experience in architectural design and the remodelling of buildings, then this company should be high on your list to contact, with both English and French spoken.

Anglo-French Surveying

Resident and registered to practice in France, this company has a thorough knowledge of French vernacular buildings and traditional building techniques as well as an understanding of the range of likely defects and their remedies. Check out the recent projects, understand more about how the survey will be conducted and also find out more about the firm.

Brian Lindley MRCIS, MCIOB

Brian Lindley has been a chartered surveyor for over 20 years, and is highly experienced in surveying all types of property, old and new. Services include pre-purchase condition survey, homebuyer's survey, a visit to the building with the purchaser and a full structural condition survey and report.


A unique directory listing over 300 English-Speaking France-based builders and trade professionals nationwide, geared toward all aspects of French property renovation and improvement. Simply select the type of profession you require, and you will then be presented with limited information, as the full contact details will require a very modestly priced subscription.

Surveylink France

With over 30 years experience in the industry as a Chartered Surveyor, this firm will help you choose the best French home for you, as well as help you protect the investment you are making by avoiding the many pitfalls out there for the unsuspecting property buyer. Their policy is to provide a personalised, client-friendly service tailored to suit individuals' requirements.


An English and French-speaking surveying service for the purchase and restoration of property in France. They can provide professional building surveys and reports, advice on building and planning issues and the coordination of local artisans for repairs and renovation works.

JC Cordiez Architecte

A small team of qualified French architects covering the South-Eastern area of France offering a range of services from building surveys and market evaluations to project design and site management, and offering overall advise and assistance in English, with their fees and contact information all presented.

Philip Atkinson Chartered Surveyor

Chartered Building Surveyor specialising in property surveys in the South West of France, with some useful advice, services offered, and an online enquiry form all provided.

Wellesley House Surveying

Covering Brittany, Normandy and the Loire, this company can offer an 'English style' pre-purchase survey and will prepare a detailed report with costings to allow you to negotiate should there be any unforeseen problems with your potential purchase.

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