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Property Directory - Services

You have returned 18 results for gardening in uk.

gardening Websites

Gone Gardening

If you plan to redesign you garden or simply mow the grass, this site has everything you need. There are loads of available products online, searchable by keyword or by browsing through the relevant categories. Each of the products displayed features a short narrative, picture, price and colours.

CMS Gardens

Comprehensive online store offering hundreds of products for your garden. They offer items for your pond, greenhouse and summerhouse and also supply garden lighting, lawn care equipment, watering accessories and much more. The products all offer a very limited description but can be purchased online.

Dr Grow Good

Firm offering a good range of exclusive garden products. They sell everything from hand tools to plants, with each of the items featuring a pretty good narrative, picture, price in pounds and the option to order online.

HMK Consultants

Company that specialises in the development of gardening software products such as The Garden Management System. The goal is to help new gardeners, experienced gardening enthusiasts and horticulturists to manage the horticultural information about the plants in their home garden, and to provide a garden journal to track your gardening activities.

Mirror Garden

From the makers of the popular daily newspaper, this site offers a wide range of garden products and bulbs. All of the products are sorted by type, with each featuring a good description, picture, price in Pounds and the option to purchase the item online.

Dig It

Well designed gardening site selling everything from plants to ponds. Hundreds of products are listed, sorted by type, with each featuring an informative description, picture, price in Pounds, estimated shipping time and contact details.

World Of Power

If you require any gardening tools, be it for industrial or normal use, this company can help. They have a really good stock of products for sale, with each featuring a limited narrative, picture, key features, dimensions and the option to order online, by phone or post.

UK Home and Garden

Online directory listings a small selection of gardening stores and companies. There is no search facility, with each of the listings containing a very short description and link to website.

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