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Property Directory - investment: uk

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uk Websites

Tailormade Investment Villages Ltd

Company who provide land plots with planning permission and completed units with a fixed return of up to 25% over just 12 months. They are responsible for the build and for providing the fixed return - not just a percentage of the profit. Investors have a second charge on each plot, with a secure exit strategy. Click on the link to see how the investment process works, or for more information on the services they offer, use the contact options presented.

Sinclair Deville

If you are looking for freehold land investment opportunities in the UK, this company specialise in acquiring land for future development, always targeting areas with housing shortages, and whose current project featured is an 86 acre Greenfield site in Buckinghamshire, with site plans for this and any other future projects available upon registration, which is completely free of charge.

Strategic Land Investments

Company who offer land for sale and land investment in the UK. There is nothing to view on the site, but if you fill out their no obligation enquiry form, they will send you information about their latest opportunities available. A small selection of the strict criteria to which their specialists adhere when selecting a potential site for purchase is also on hand.

Collins and Bone

Collins and Bone specializes in the UK residential property market. Offering off the shelf, fully renovated, fully let and managed buy to let properties for a cash flow positive passive investment.


A bright looking site from a company whose mission is to become the premier networking event in London, with their ultimate objective being to help you give up your day job, making money from investment opportunities related to property, the stock market, internet marketing and others. Check out their future planned events online.

Axis Property Investment Ltd

Specialists in discount property sourcing across the UK and overseas in areas of high capital growth, register online for free membership, and to gain immediate access to their portfolio of investment property, with benefits including unique video presentations and tele-seminars of their latest deals.


This group delivers UK and overseas property investment solutions. Whether you are seeking direct property or a managed solution for hands-free investment, this site will guide you in the right direction. Also has a registration facility, company information and site map.

Hambrook & Greenstock AG

Specialists in identifying land on your behalf, in areas that governments and local authorities are likely to target for development, in various selected places around the world, ensuring that your obtain the maximum advantage from your investment. Full company information, a step by step explanation of their process and contact options are all provided.

Crimson Investment Properties

Offering a simple approach for people wanting to purchase investment property in the UK. No obligation meetings can be arranged. The site also provides example deals, testimonials and a directory of other useful links.

Equity property portfolios

Specialists in the field of property investment, providing their members with expert advice and access to an exclusive range of UK and International investment opportunities, full details of what they do, contact information, and an online form to register as a member, free of charge, are all presented on the site.

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