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Property Directory - sales: exclusive

You have returned 2 results for in switzerland.

exclusive Websites

Christie's Great Estates

A massive online property portal specialising in the sale of international luxury real estate including penthouses, ranches, homes, villas, mansions, estates, or an island retreat. Simply complete the online user friendly search to view a listing of their current availability which meets your requirements, with each featuring a range of coloured images, a good description and the all important price. Full contact details are also presented.

Stephan de Meyer Immobilier

Real estate professional with 15 years experience specialising in the search and sale of unique properties located around the three lakes of Annecy, Aix-les-Bains and Geneva. Browse through the delightful selection of nearly 100 houses, apartments and penthouses, presented in a slide show format with a photograph, a short description, a price in Euros, a reference number, an option to add to your own selection, or to print, with full contact information presented.