Property for sale in Larnaca, Cyprus

Browse listings of houses, apartments, land, commercial property and other real estate for sale in Larnaca, Cyprus, advertised by owners, agents, developers & portals or jump to results for popular locations using the links on the right.

These results include:-
Categories: Residential Properties, New Homes, Retirement
Types: Apartments, Houses, Flats, Bungalows, Cottages, Townhouses

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Search Results - Property For Sale in Larnaca

09 Property Listings

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Current filters:  Cyprus Larnaca
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  • GBP
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Price Range : from  to 
Bed Range from  to 
Property Types
  •   Houses [4]
  •      Bungalows [1]
  •      Cottages [1]
  •      Townhouses [1]
  •   Apartments [5]
  •      Flats [3]
Property Features
  • Fixtures-Fittings-Furnishings
  •    Air Conditioning [3]
  •    Fully Furnished property [1]
  •    Unfurnished Property [1]
  • Property Features
  •    Balcony [2]
  •    Garden [1]
  •    Terrace [1]
  •    Views [1]
  • Lifestyle features
  •    Beach & Coast [2]
  • Building Characteristics
  •    Freehold [2]
  • Amenities & Services
  •    Parking [2]
  •    Swimming Pool [1]
  • Purchase Incentives
  •    Reduced Price [1]
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