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Property Directory - sales: land

You have returned 4 results for in cape verde.

land Websites

Cape Verde Property Ltd

Real estate agents specialising in properties and land on Sal, Boa Vista, Santiago, San Vincent and Maio, all of which are featured and include lots of coloured images, house and site plans, a full description, and price details. Information about the islands, and contact options are presented.

David Stanley Redfern Limited

A massive range of new property for sale from a company who work directly with developers to find clients the most competitively priced stock in the emerging market and EU member countries, as well as traditional markets, along with a wide selection of resale properties. Simply select the area of your choice from the menu provided to view their current listings, many presented with some great information including a description, key features, specifications, prices, payment terms, coloured images and a reference number. Contact options, and details of their additional services they offer can all be found on this user friendly site.

Overseas Sun Homes

Visually pleasant website featuring property for sale in Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Brazil, Florida, Dominican Republic, Italy, Greece, Dubai, Cape Verde Islands and Morocco. Each area has its own search facility, which will make finding that dream home all the more easier, and you will also find excellent information about the location and some solid help and advice when it comes to purchasing there.

FX Property

Offering thousands of different types of properties in their database, including new, off plan, resales, land and commercial businesses, in a vast amount of countries including Albania, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, China, Cape Verde, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Goa, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, New Zealand, Northern Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Caribbean, Turkey, Dubai, and the USA. Complete the search facility with your personal requirements, and browse through the listings offered with a photo where available, specifications, a short description, a reference number, and a price, with options to view additional details, print, save to a shortlist, or to get in touch with the agent, with some useful contacts and services also presented.

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