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Property Directory - sales: land

You have returned 3 results for in malta.

land Websites

FX Property

Offering thousands of different types of properties in their database, including new, off plan, resales, land and commercial businesses, in a vast amount of countries including Albania, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, China, Cape Verde, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Goa, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Italy, Latvia, Malta, Morocco, Mongolia, New Zealand, Northern Cyprus, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Caribbean, Turkey, Dubai, and the USA. Complete the search facility with your personal requirements, and browse through the listings offered with a photo where available, specifications, a short description, a reference number, and a price, with options to view additional details, print, save to a shortlist, or to get in touch with the agent, with some useful contacts and services also presented.

Arkadia Services

Well over three hundred mainly apartments, farmhouses and rental properties are featured on this site from a leading agency situated in Victoria, Gozo’s capital town. Simply complete the search facility to view their current stock, all displayed with an array of images, a general overview, and a price in LM. Some useful information for buyers, details of their additional services offered, and an online contact form can also be found.

SQL Real Estate Services

Real Estate company established in 2001 offering an excellent choice of properties both to rent and for sale in Malta. A simple search facility will lead you to listings meeting your requirements, all displayed with a reference number, a general overview, coloured images, a price in Euros, a currency converter, and an option to add to your favourites. You are invited to submit a property of your own, and you will also find loads of useful information featured.

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