Geographic Information

Description of Cyprus
Tourism in Cyprus has boomed in recent years and the property market has grown with it. The two have become almost inseparable on the island: the Mediterranean climate, so appealing to overseas visitors, is a strong part of its attraction for expats. The retirement market for those looking to relocate abroad is a strong component of the Cypriot property industry. It is no surprise that the two converge in one main hotspot: Paphos. The south-west coastal resort is the most popular destination, although the history of Limassol and modern nightlife of Famagusta also have their fans. Cyprus has become increasingly dependent on investors from China and Russia to bolster demand for the island’s property following a new law to offer residency to non-EU buyers who invest.

Current Property Prices in Cyprus

376 properties listed for sale in Cyprus

1 bed apartments:

2 listed for sale
£43,726 to £114,938
Average: £79,332

2 bed apartments:

20 listed for sale
£94,285 to £1,418,761
Average: £375,204

3 bed apartments:

44 listed for sale
£112,028 to £706,869
Average: £325,840

2 bed houses:

27 listed for sale
£133,795 to £407,052
Average: £302,044

3 bed houses:

132 listed for sale
£139,182 to £808,851
Average: £461,104

4 bed houses:

51 listed for sale
£152,652 to £2,370,591
Average: £678,677

5 bed houses:

3 listed for sale
£287,344 to £1,346,925
Average: £918,902

Cyprus Property Buying Guide

Italy's Flag

Key Facts:

Currency: EURO
Time Zone: Eastern European Time Zone
DialCode: 357
Languages: Greek
Capital: Nicosia
Population: 838,897
GDP: $23.006 billion

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