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Property Directory - sales: land

You have returned 85 results for in bulgaria.

land Websites

Tsanev Real Estate Ltd

A small selection of mainly village houses, and plots of land for sale in the regions of Veliko Tarnovo, Troyan, and Gabrovo. The site is pretty basic, but you will find a general narrative, a price in UK Pounds, images where available, a ref number, and contact information provided with each of the listings.

Property Shop Overseas

A one stop shop for all your property needs, with a mixture of well priced resales, new homes, land, and investment opportunities featured in Spain, Bulgaria, Brazil, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Italy, and the UK. Simply select the country of your choice to view their latest listings, which can then be sorted by type, all displayed with photos, a detailed description, and an online enquiry form, with some useful information for buyers also on hand.

1. Česká Investiční CZ, a.s.

Company specialising in the reconstruction of apartment buildings in Prague and the surrounding areas, with their latest development projects, and other real estate sales listed for you to view, by type or via the search facility provided. A general overview, coloured images where shown, and a price are displayed with the results, together with the agents contact information, with some investment opportunities in Bulgaria also featured.

Atia Invest Ltd

Investment company specialising in the sale of agricultural land and industrial plots for development in the territory of Bulgaria. Their latest offers in the regions of Pleven, Plovdiv, and Stara Zagora are listed on the site with a photo, area size, a brief description, a price per sq.m in Euros, and an option to view its location on a Google map. A company overview and contact details are provided.

Todorov Estates

Offering an array of resale and new homes many within complexes in Spain, UAE, Malta, Bulgaria, and Croatia. Use the search table to help you find those meeting your requirements, all listed with a detailed description, a price in Euros, a reference number, images, floor plans, and an online form or contact details, should you wish to request further information.

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