Jargon Buster

At a loss to understand arrears, affidavits or air bricks? Bamboozled by balloon payments and back-to-back escrow? Confused by conveyancing, cash-flow and closing costs?

If so, our Jargon Buster will be just what you need.It's a glossary of terms packed full of property phrases, estate agent slang, financial words and other terms you may come across in your real estate or personal finance activities.

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Jargon Buster: Q

Our glossary results: 3 matches!


The external angle of a building as formed by the brickwork.


Borrowers are advised to shop around for quotations from different mortgage lenders and insurance lenders before making a commitment. A quotation is also an illustration of the costs involved in the mortgage and repayments.


This is an amount a service provider estimates to be the cost of providing a service based on the available information. These can often vary so it can be worth getting a few quotes to ensure you get the best deal.
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