Geographic Information

Description of Spain
Spain is one of the most popular countries in the world for overseas property. Its combination of sunny weather, affordable house prices and long, sandy beaches make it a traditional destination for lifestyle buyers looking for holiday homes and second homes. British buyers are one of the biggest groups of investors in Spanish property but the country's attraction extends to Russian, Scandinavian, Chinese and American buyers, with non-EU buyers encouraged by the country's visa laws, which offer permanent residency to those who spend more than €500,000 on real estate. Popular hotspots in Spain include the Costa del Sol and Murcia, where the 2014 Paramount Theme Park is boosting property prices and tourist appeal.

Current Property Prices in Spain

13,005 properties listed for sale in Spain

1 bed apartments:

150 listed for sale
£25,121 to £700,401
Average: £122,512

2 bed apartments:

1288 listed for sale
£22,838 to £2,092,158
Average: £168,684

3 bed apartments:

877 listed for sale
£34,256 to £10,326,425
Average: £435,168

2 bed houses:

597 listed for sale
£15,225 to £2,334,670
Average: £209,483

3 bed houses:

1897 listed for sale
£15,225 to £4,471,791
Average: £369,024

4 bed houses:

1263 listed for sale
£13,703 to £12,605,472
Average: £923,382

5 bed houses:

618 listed for sale
£85,305 to £19,466,050
Average: £2,226,798


1 listed for sale
£55,587 to £55,587
Average: £55,587

Spain Property Buying Guide

Italy's Flag

Key Facts:

Currency: EURO
Time Zone: UTC+01:00
DialCode: 34
Languages: Spanish
Capital: Madrid
Population: 46,815,916
GDP: $1.352 trillion

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